Understanding IRIS

We are very grateful to David Takle for making the time and effort to share the following information with us, and do deep analysis on our two Point 4 IRIS system restorations.  Thank you, David, you are truly a knowledgeable and generous person.

Each of the hyperlinks below open a separate section of this collection of technical discoveries and documentations about the Point 4 IRIS Operating System. 

We've met our goal! We now have the original IRIS system running in a currently available emulator: the SimH NOVA.

David's site:  nova-iris.net

Great help from an "old IRIS programmer"

IRIS Disassembly

IRIS Assembly Language (Part 2)

Converting our QIC-extracted files to SimH Tape Format

PZ and DEFS, and loading REX into memory

LU0 "Work"

Modifying the 'C' in SimH to run a Point 4

Help from an original IRIS Designer, Dan Paymar

Rebuilding Boot Sector Zero with Diablo 31 Driver (DEV.33)

SimH Boot-able IRIS !!

How To Use DSP

SimH IRIS "v2" with fewer crashes

IRIS Date / Time

SimH IRIS "v3" - DSP Update


System 1 Disc Architecture & Driver

LU Index Dissection

IRIS User Privelages

Examining The Anatomy of a Logical Unit (LU)

How the Point 4 IRIS Boots

Converting LU Disc Drivers for SimH Nova

VT-100 with SimH. Hope for Starwriter?

"Sanitizing" a Point 4 IRIS system

Locating a section within a disk raw dump

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